
Please note that some fields may not seem relevant if this is your first point of contact with our company.
You are welcome to leave any fields blank if you need to decide later.
Thank you for your interest in our company!

email We will use this email to communicate with you.
phone In case we want to have a text you or call you we will use this number to communicate with you.
business If you are willing to invest as an individual please write 'personal' or 'individual'
attach_money Enter the amount you're interested in investing. Minimum investment amount is $10,000.
business_center Briefly describe your investment experience and any relevant portfolio.
schedule When are you planning to make your investment?
location_on Where are you located? (Country/City)

Please describe how do you see your involvement in the company
record_voice_over LinkedIn, SocialMedia, Instagram, Firends, or any specific person at our company.